I hate when real life gets in the way of crafty-blog life - it's so darn selfish of it...doesn't real-life know that crafty-blog life is soooooooo much more fun?
Many of you have been lovely enough to ignore my neglectfulness though and still come over and say hi. So I made a pretty li'l pouchy thing as a pressie for one of you :D

Would you like it to be yours?
{don't worry - I won't be sending the random bits of fabric inside it, they were just a photographic prop to stop it looking sad and empty}
{don't worry - I won't be sending the random bits of fabric inside it, they were just a photographic prop to stop it looking sad and empty}
If you do fancy owning your very own "Leann-made pouchy thing" {oooooooh, catchy name...}just leave me a comment telling me what you'd use it for {I have several whose only purpose is to sit around looking pretty - they're very good at it}. If there's more than one of you who'd like it, I'll pick a name out on Sunday.
OK, enough of my wittering - I'll see y'all soon,
Ohhh...I think it would look so pretty with all my lace in it....then another for ribbon....another for fabric....can you see a theme going on....I just don't think one would be enough.....and it is my birthday tomorrow....so I am deserving!!!
Oh my! I would use it to store all my pretty fabric off cuts - that are too small to make anything with - but far to lovely to throw away!!
Oohh this is gorgeous Leann :-) I would put my lace in it too ,,, or maybe flowers ,,,or my gorgeous pure silk ribbons ,, extra special ! :-)
it was my birthday on Tuesday ,, so I am deserving too,,,, lol :-)
Lols x x x
I know what you mean about life getting in the way! I've hardly any time to craft right now. My son will be going away for the weekend to his grandparents in a few hours so hopefully I will get some crafting time then!
I am loving the pouch! Hmmm what would I use it for? I actually don't know yet! If I won it, I know where i'd put it (On my craft table) and then i'd find something to fill it. Maybe some stamped images or ribbon or my embossing stuff. It would have to be something I use a lot!
You do make me laugh missy - of course more than one persone is going to want it!!!
Hmmmm what to put in it .. i think i would have to put my copics in it!!! I loooooves them soo much i think they are deserving of a gooorgeous lil holder like that - either that or i would have to keep my "use it all the time" crafty bits in it - scissors, white gel pen, ruler, dst, stringgggy stuff .. blah blah so i can have the excuse to use it all the time :)
Tis gorgeous munchkin x x x
Oh Leann - how divine! I would put a little glass jar in it and fill it with fresh white daisies. I know it really should have lovely crafty things in it, but I would love a gorgeous little baggy with happy fresh daisies sitting on my craft desk making me smile while I colour.
Have a lovely crafty day!
Luv Kylie
Oohhh! Another pretty pouchy thing!
Too right more than one person would like to own it!
I would put lots of pretty bits & bobs in there :)
Oh I know this one wold want to come live in Norway, It would look sooo good on my white drawerwith the pink knob's on! Just by my chandelier over the sitting area.
Can you se by what I'm writing that this is MY place in the house.. And it just so happend that this is where I have my craftyplase too.. So pretty please put me in your draw for your "Leann-made pouchy thing"
Oh this is so pretty Leann. Right let me see mmm I could put my ink pads in it or perhaps it could be a cosy home for my ribbons/lace, but I think I would put it to better use as my secret choccy and lollies hideaway pouch. I do like a little choccy to munch whilst crafting and yes I'm addicted to lollies and it would sit so nicely on my table whilst I craft away in the early hours!!! Have a great day, take care Ann-Marie xxx
Now I would definitely need to give this a home for my new crochet hooks and cottons etc.!! Hope life is not getting in the way tooo much - it certainly is here at the moment!! Lol Lynn ♥
Oooh, ooh me please, me please. This is way to beautiful to be used - it must have pride of place on my craft table to be admired and intermittently stroked lol!
Your are such a sweetheart to make this for one of us :D
Emma x
Oh wow Leann, this is just too gorgeous for words ! Absolutely adore the material you have used and your lacy edge. Of course, it has a fabby "Leann Heart" on it too !
I would keep it sat on my desk next to me with all my useful things I need for making a card but keep losing on the floor and under scrappy bits of paper. Would be in constant use for dipping into whenever I need a vital crafting tool or embellie !
Have a great weekend and keeping everything crossed I might win a Leann Original !
Jo xxx
What a gorgeous bag!! I would use it on my craft table to hold some of my most favorite crafty items--scissors, pretty pens, glitters, etc. Or I could use it to hold cards I've made...or some ink pads...oh! the ideas are endless.
I wish I had half your talent!
ooo it is so pretty Leann! I'd like it to be on show, maybe hold my makeup bits and bobs, now I've started doing the lippy and mascara thing again!
Hope your little darling horrors are on the mend, my grandson lovingly gave me his cold along with his kisses so I will be sneezing in the church at the Christening on Sunday!
hugs, annie x
it is very cute... maybe to much cute!
I think I would use it to but some rolled towels in, in my bathroom. That look beautifuL!
Oh this is gorgeous, thanks for the chance to win, umm Happy Birthday Caz, but I already had mine so it could be a late one for me lol.
Sue x
Leann thank you for the chance to win this awesome little pouch. My daughter would use it to put her Build a Bear clothes in it. She bought the bear (Joey) at the weekend and has been designing and making clothes for it ever since. She has just about used up her fleecy blanket for bedding, PJs, shoes, she even cut up an old pair of boots to make Ugg boots for Joey. :-) xx
Oh Leann, thats is gorgeous and I think Id use it to keep my hankies in as its so pretty and I wouldnt like to get it dirty. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx
OMG I would love to win your pouch Leann! I love the lace and your cute button. Whatever I store in it would have to be delicate and pretty, just like your pouch. Whatever it is it'll proudly sit displayed in my craftroom!
Leann you are such a talented lady, This is soooo pretty. Got all sorts I could store in it but think I would just have to put it on my craft desk where I could stroke it and stare at it lol!!! You really should start selling these (and your pincushions)they would sell like hotcakes and I for one would be willing to buy one!
Sweet pouch and so pretty! I would probably use it for holding snack for my kids when we head out the door. Always useful to carry around the food when kids get hungry, tired, or grouchy!
I love this! I think I'd put my new clear blocks in them so they wouldn't get all scratched up.
ah Leanne a cutie little baggie like this would look lovely on my craft desk to hold all my fabric scrps and embroidery threads nice and handy to ecourage me to use them. And I would take good care of it
I just love the little bagy thingies you make ;) Who cares what you'd use it for? It looks perfect on it's own. BUT, I would store my lace in it. It deserves it's own special place.
Gorgeous, keep up the goodies. Even if it is just for you!
Kylie ox
Hi Leann what a beautiful bag I think anything would look gorgeous in this but it would have to be on show for all to see and enjoy including me lol, so it would definitely be in a place where I would not only admire it's beauty but also your creativity and inspiration alas I would never be able to make anything like this I would just drool. I think I would have to put it on my craft desk with some of my crating items in.
Lorraine x
OOOOOO Leannn this is STUNNING! I want, I want hehe! Mmmm I would use for my lace, no, no wait my buttons, no, no my ribbons, no wait, wait my stamps I have to use during the month, no OH bugger you know I just don't know but I know I would USE it and proudly display it!
Hugs Kel xx
Such a beautiful bag. You have a great talent, that's for sure.
If I would own such a lovely bag it would be standing on my desk....just being pretty, perhaps with one orchid inside.
have a lovely sunday.
Sinikka :-)
Beautiful little bag, I think it would have many uses, but would use it for ribbons and lace for my cards.
Ohhhh ... this would just be perfect and so pretty in my bathroom to keep all my bath cubes!
Just love what you create Leann!
xoxo LouLou
Hope I'm not too late to let you know how much I love your little crafty thingy! OOOOh so many ideas for it.
I'd love it to keep unused dipers for my baby in. It'll look very good in my bathroom :)
Hugs, Hilde
Hello Leann,
What a lovely Crafty:)
I would love to put al my gorgeous buttons in it.
With Love
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